Kazakhstan is Poland’s most important trading partner in the Central Asian region

Kazakhstan is Poland’s most important trading partner in the Central Asian region

Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to Poland Alim Kirabayev met with newly appointed Vice Minister in the Polish Ministry of Development and Technology Jacek Tomczak, who will also become co-chairman of the Kazakh-Polish Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state of trade, economic and investment relations between Kazakhstan and Poland, as well as prospects for bilateral cooperation.

The interlocutor was informed about the political and economic reforms carried out in our country, as well as the measures taken by the Government of Kazakhstan to improve the investment climate and support foreign investors.

Vice Minister Tomczak emphasised that Kazakhstan continues to be an important strategic partner of Poland in Central Asia, and special attention is paid to strengthening cooperation with our country. The interest of Polish business to interaction with the Kazakh side in such spheres as energy, IT, green technologies and others, was also noted.

The parties positively assessed the effectiveness of the functioning Kazakh-Polish intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, the 10th meeting of which is scheduled for autumn this year in Astana.

At the end of the meeting, the Kazakh diplomat invited the interlocutor to participate in the Astana International Forum, which will be held on June 13-14, 2024.

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